Valeriu Griţco
Born on 22 February 1959 in Mîndîc, Donduseni district, Republic of Moldova
- Law Degree, Faculty of Law, State University, 1975-1980
- Lecturer in Civil and Civil Procedure Law, State University, 1980-1983 and 1986-1987
- Doctorate in Law and post-graduate studies, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Soviet Legislation of the USSR Ministry of Justice, Moscow, Russian Federation, 1983-1986
- District Judge, Chisinau, 1987-1991
- Lawyer, member of the Bar Association of the Republic of Moldova (since 1991), member of the Board of the Bar Association (since 2003)
- Legal advisor of many national and foreign banks and companies (1995-2011)
- Chairman of the Qualification Commission (1999-2003), Vice-President of the Bar Association (2003-2007)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, since 2005
- Judge of the European Court of Human Rights from 3 December 2012 to 5 December 2021.