Restoration of an application

Main hearing's room wall - Human Rights building

The Court has today exceptionally restored to its list of cases the application Bryska v. Ukraine

The Court had originally struck the application out of its list of cases in 2023. Owing to the Russian military action in Ukraine, it had not been possible for the Court to send postal correspondence to that State. As the application form had not included a functioning method of contact other than a postal address and the applicant had not been in contact with the Court for a considerable time, the Court had considered that she had no longer wished to pursue her application. The Court published a press release about that decision, in order to draw attention of the applicants affected by the decision and give them an opportunity to contact the Court. The applicant contacted the Court, having seen coverage of the decision of her case in the press, to state that she wanted to pursue her application.

Given the grounds on which the case had originally been struck out, exceptional circumstances justifying restoration were present, and so the Court ordered the restoration of her application to its list of cases.

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