Thematic committee for immigration-related cases

Main hall of the Human Rights building

The Court has set up a thematic committee of three judges for immigration-related cases (Article 26 § 1 and Article 28 of the Convention, and Rule 27 of the Rules of Court).

This is a transversal committee that will deal, for all the States Parties to the Convention, with cases on immigration matters falling within the Court’s well-established case-law (Committee cases concerning expulsions, extraditions and related issues). This is the first such thematic committee to have been set up by the Court.

The President has decided to allocate the cases to be handled by the immigration committee to Section V (Rule 52 § 1).

The aim of the immigration committee is to bring together expertise and efficiency, to further ensure the consistency of case processing within the well-established case-law category. The procedure and activity of this committee are similar to those of the existing committees which deal with cases to be examined on the basis of settled case-law (Article 28 of the Convention). Cases falling outside this category will continue to be heard by Chambers of seven judges.

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