Practice directions

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Practice directions are issued by the President of the Court to provide clarification on aspects of the Court's procedure. They concern:

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Practice Direction | Requests for interim measures

When the Court receives an application it may decide that a State should take certain measures provisionally while it continues its examination of the case.

These measures, known as "interim measures", will only be indicated by the Court in strictly defined conditions and must be requested in accordance with the requirements set out in the practice direction on requests for interim measures.


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Practice Direction | Just satisfaction claims

When it finds a violation of the Convention, the Court may make an award of "just satisfaction" to the applicant(s).

This award is not automatic and applicants wishing to claim it for any damage must comply with the procedural and substantive conditions set out in the practice direction on just satisfaction claims.


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Only the English and French versions of the official texts have been validated by the Court.

The translations into non-official languages come from various sources.