Seminar on “The articulation between the Convention and EU Law: past, present and future”

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On 14 June 2024 the ECHR held a half-day seminar on The articulation between the European Convention on Human Rights and European Union Law: past, present and future.

The event brought together voices from European and national judiciary, EU institutions and academia. On the occasion of the seminar the Court launched a new “ECHR/EU” page on its Knowledge-Sharing platform (ECHR-KS), a platform which provides Convention case-law analysis Article by Article, theme by theme, updated on a weekly basis. This new ECHR/EU KS page will over time include a series of factsheets, jointly produced by the Court and the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRA), bringing together case-law from the ECHR and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

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