Maud de Boer Buquicchio
Born on 28 December 1944 in Hoensbroek, The Netherlands
- French language and literature studies at Leiden University, 1963-1965
- Law studies at Leiden University (private, public and criminal law, law of international organisations, social law), 1965-1969
- Law degree: thesis subject on equality of treatment between men and women (Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome), 1969
- Member of the legal Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights - Applications Division, 1969-1971
- Member of the Private Office of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, 1972-1977
- Principal legal officer in the Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights - Case-law and Research Division, 1977
- Head of Division in the Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights, 1990
- Secretary to the First Chamber of the European Commission of Human Rights - Deputy to the Secretary of the European Commission of Human Rights, 1992
- Deputy Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights, 1998-2002.