Lorraine Schembri Orland
Born on 21 June 1959 in Pietà , Malta
- Parliamentary Correspondent for the Times of Malta, 1977-1986
- Doctorate of Laws (LL.D.), University of Malta, 1981
- Specialised in family and matrimonial law, including cross border abductions, before Maltese courts, 1982-2012
- President, National Council of Women, Malta, 1988-1992
- Elected member of the Executive of the Conseil International des Femmes (CIF), 1988-1990
- Vice-Chairperson of the Commission for the Advancement of Women, Malta, 1989-1997
- Chairperson of the Interdepartmental Action Committee on Violence Against Women, 1990-1992
- Member of a drafting Committee entrusted with a comprehensive legal review of the Maltese Constitution and ordinary laws in order to eliminate gender based discrimination, 1991-1993
- Advisor on Gender mainstreaming within the public sector, 1991-1995
- Expert Advisor to the Commonwealth Secretariat entrusted with the drafting of a Plan of Action on Women and Development for the Commonwealth, 1993-1995
- Member of the National Consultative Committee on Bioethics, 2000-2001
- Diploma in Canonical Law and Jurisprudence, 1995
- Magister Juris in European Law, University of Malta, 1996
- Drafter of a Domestic Violence Bill, 2000
- Diploma in the Law and Administration of Trusts, 2004
- Judge, First Hall, Civil Court of Malta, in its civil and constitutional competence, 2012-2019
- Judge Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction) on matters concerning the protection of minors, interdicted and incapacitated persons, Guardianships, Trusts, Foundations and cross border successions, 2015-2018
- Judge of the European Court of Human Rights since 20 September 2019.