Inadmissibility decisions concerning Türkiye

Human Rights building in winter

The Court has declared inadmissible the applications in the cases of Kaya v. Türkiye and Feza Almaz and Others v. Türkiye.

The cases concerned disciplinary sanctions imposed on the applicants for participating in one-day work stoppages called by their trade union.

The applicant in the first case was fined for taking part in a one-day work stoppage to protest against the curfew which had been imposed in certain cities in south-east Türkiye. The other applicants received disciplinary sanctions for failing to report for work, in protest against “the Government’s actions” during the Gezi Park events in Istanbul.

The Court found that, in the circumstances of the present cases, the applicants could not rely on the right to trade-union freedom protected by Article 11, in that the sanctions imposed had related to industrial action, organised by their trade union, that had not been intended to defend their own professional interests.

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