Giorgio Balladore Pallieri
Born on 19 March 1905 in Acqui Terme, Italy
- Doctor of Law, University of Turin, 1926
- Free Chair of International Law at the same University, 1928
- Lecturer at the University of Messina, 1930
- Full Professor at the same University, 1932
- Full Professor at the University of Modena (1933), Genoa (1934) and the Universityof the Sacred Heart, Milan (1935)
- Associate Member (1948) and subsequently Member (1955) of the Institut de DroitInternational
- At present Professor of international law and Dean of the Faculty of Law of theUniversity of the Sacred Heart, Milan
- Member of the Legal Advisory Council to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Member of the Advisory Committee of Euratom
- Vice-President of the Court from 5 May 1971 to 8 May 1974
- President of the Court from 8 May 1974 to 9 December 1980
- Judge of the European