Recent webcasts
Webcasts of public hearings
All the public hearings of the Court are all filmed and broadcast on the Court’s website. Hearings held in the morning can normally be viewed as of 2.30 p.m., while afternoon hearings are available at the end of the day, barring technical difficulties.
Thanks to the support provided by Ireland, all the Court’s public hearings since 2007 have been filmed and can be viewed in their entirety, with interpretation in French and English.
Latest webcast
Grand Chamber hearing - 18 December 2024
The interpretation of the Court’s public hearings serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech is authentic. No liability shall be incurred by the interpreter in the exercise of his/her function.
Webcast Help
Please note:
- The webcasts of morning hearings will be available from 2.30pm the same day
- Some documents may only be available in one language
Select webcasts by State