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The portal and website of the European Court of Human Rights (“the Court”) are intended to provide public access to information about the Court and its activities.
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While the Court cannot guarantee that there are no errors on its site, it endeavours, where appropriate, to correct those which are drawn to its attention. The Court accepts no liability for the content of other Internet sites to which its portal is or may be linked or to which reference is or may be made.
The electronic version of the Court’s judgments and decisions is provided in order to ensure compliance with Article 44 § 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which provides that final judgments shall be published. However, it is not possible to guarantee that an electronic document faithfully reproduces a formally adopted text and the electronic version remains subject to editorial revision. The original signed text held in the Court’s archives is the authentic version. Moreover, until 2015, when a judgment or decision was published in the Court’s official series, Reports of Judgments and Decisions, the published version was to be regarded as the official version and governed any discrepancies between it and the electronic version.
Interpretation of hearings
The interpretation of the Court’s public hearings serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an official record of proceedings. The original language version alone is authentic. No liability shall be incurred by interpreters in the exercise of their duties.
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Users should nevertheless be aware that certain information and texts may be protected under intellectual property law, in particular by copyright.
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Reproduction of photos of the Human Rights Building
The name of the architects must be mentioned: ''Richard Rogers Partnership'' and ''Atelier Claude Bucher Architectes''.
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